27 Sett. 2016 - Stefano Puglisi

20160927 Seminario Puglisi

Conservazione delle risorse genetiche forestali e gestione forestale sostenibile:
importanza di un'integrazione interdisciplinare

Presenta: Stefano Puglisi

CNR Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse, Bari

L'attività di ricerca svolta nel settore della genetica delle popolazioni di specie arboree forestali, finalizzata allo studio ed alla salvaguardia delle risorse genetiche di tali specie, viene sinteticamente esposta insieme con le innovazioni metodologiche utilizzate e con i risultati più importanti conseguiti nelle indagini su Pinus halepensis Mill. e Pinus sylvestris L. Viene anche illustrata la futura attività di ricerca nel settore della gestione forestale sostenibile, in un'ottica di integrazione interdisciplinare con la genetica delle popolazioni, al fine di enfatizzare ed approfondire l'obiettivo della tutela delle risorse genetiche fra i criteri da seguire per garantire agli ecosistemi forestali lo svolgimento delle funzioni loro attribuite – compresa la funzione produttiva – senza comprometterne la conservazione.

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22 Sett. 2016 - Maria Urbanska

20160922 Seminario Urbanska

Strangers among indigenous - alien species of mussels in Poland

Presenta: Maria Urbańska

Institute of Zoology,Poznań University of Life Sciences

Freshwater mussels are among the most threatened groups of organisms in the world, mainly due to habitat modifications and exotic species invasion. The best known examples of strangers among native species are Dreissena polymorpha, Corbicula fluminea and Sinanodonta woodiana.
Firstly recorded in Polish artificial heated waterbodies, as can be expected for a warm water species, the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea 1838) started colonizing waterbodies with natural thermal conditions since at least 1992. Since then it has spread to more than 30 sites in Poland, suggesting that it could become common quite shortly because it accommodates to national conditions very easily. This situation may result in changing the population state of native species and the habitat transformations as mussels play a key role in the formation and functioning of aquatic biocenoses.
To characterize its life conditions in the invaded area studies were performed on morphological characteristics, reproduction, habitat preferences, density and distribution, genetic variability, natural enemies, parasites and symbionts. Current knowledge about Polish populations will be shown, as well as cross-country survey's statistical results concerning habitat preferences, morphometrical features and growing rate.
The knowledge of Sinanodonta woodiana spread, biology and habitat characteristics determining its occurrence should be a key task to enable prediction of its impact and to find ways to limit its spread.

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21 Sett. 2016 - Tomasz Kaluski

20160921 Seminario Kaluski

The impact of phenotypic plasticity on invasiveness. Behavior of Arion vulgaris as a case study

Presenta: Tomasz Kałuski

Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute

For last decades intensity of world trade and movement of consignments across the globe can be observed. It causes higher risk of introduction and spreading alien species that can't spread in natural way. To protect countries and regions the pest risk assessment is prepared. In this procedure three key factors have to be taken into account: possibility of entry, establishment and impact on environment. Usually there is not enough biological data to properly assess these possibilities. One of methods is modelling all three aspects. Now, we are able to model spread of alien species, but we can't model impact on environment.
In presented case study on Arion vulgaris (Spanish slug), which is a serious pest of crops and one of the most invasive species in Europe, we study the phenotypic plasticity manifested as changes in the behavior in different temperatures. Phenotypic plasticity can impact on invasive facilitates spread to new habitats. If we link the behavior, phenotypic plasticity, invasiveness and impact with fast laboratory test we will be able to answer the question if the species can impact on environment in new habitat.

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20 Sett. 2016 - Paolo Capitelli

20160920 Seminario Capitelli

Le forme di lavoro flessibile nel CNR

Presenta: Paolo Capitelli

CNR Direzione Generale - Ufficio Affari Giuridici e Istituzionali, Ufficio Contenzioso

Il seminario intende operare una ricostruzione delle varie tipologie di rapporti di lavoro diversi da quello a tempo indeterminato, possibili nel CNR, con particolare riguardo agli aspetti critici, derivanti da cattive condotte di gestione di tali rapporti.

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29 Giu. 2016 - Adam Petrusek

20160622 Seminario Petrusek

Daphnia evolutionary tales: from canyon-shaped reservoirs to Holy Land

Presenta: Adam Petrusek

Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

Waterfleas of the genus Daphnia are important model organisms in ecological and evolutionary research, and have been studied in many aquatic environments and contexts. Dr Petrusek has been involved in numerous projects that spanned from studies of evolutionary phenomena on longitudinal environmental gradients in reservoirs (spatial patterns of genetic differentiation, interspecific hybridization, and host-parasite interactions), analyses of cryptic Daphnia diversity in European and Mediterranean waters with systematic implications, to (paleo)genetic studies of ephippial egg banks. The seminar will highlight some interesting aspects of past projects Dr Petrusek was involved in, including the discovery of the factors that lay behind the spectacular morphological structure on the picture.

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