17 ott. 2017 - Michaela M. Salcher

20171017 Seminario Salcher

Ecogenomics of genome-streamlined freshwater microbes

Presenta: Michaela M. Salcher

Limnological Station, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Freshwater microbes are centrally involved in chemical turnover processes, yet individual microbial populations greatly differ in their metabolic and ecological features. The most abundant microbes in the plankton of lakes are of conspicuously small size (cell volumes <0.1 μm3) and have reduced genomes (<1.5 Mb). Streamlining theory predicts that gene loss is caused by evolutionary selection driven by environmental factors, making these organisms superior competitors for limiting resources under oligotrophic conditions. Although such streamlined microbes numerically dominate in lakes, they are still poorly studied, mainly because of problems establishing axenic cultures. A newly developed isolation strategy allowed us to bring some of these oligotrophs in culture, e.g., members of the most abundant freshwater microbes, the acI Actinobacteria ('Ca. Nanopelagicales') and 'Ca. Methylopumilus planktonicus' (Betaproteobacteria). Whole genome sequencing and comparative population-genomics in combination with high-resolution monitoring identified a high degree of microdiversification in closely related genotypes. This ecotype diversification reflects a possible niche-specific adaptation and might be the reason for the observed high total population numbers in lakes.

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05 ott. 2017 - Paolo Debernardi, Laura Garzoli e Elena Patriarca

20171005 Seminario Garzoli

Pipistrelli, protezione e gestione

Presentano: Paolo Debernardi, Laura Garzoli, Elena Patriarca

S.Te.P. Stazione Teriologica Piemontese

Il seminario, di carattere tecnico-scientifico, è mirato a incrementare la conoscenza dei chirotteri. Dopo una introduzione mirata a fornire nozioni biologiche di base e circa il ruolo dei pipistrelli come bioindicatori e fornitori di servizi ecosistemici, saranno illustrate le principali tecniche di rilievo e monitoraggio chirotterologico e le problematiche di protezione e gestione nei diversi ambienti. Enfasi verrà data agli aspetti legati al ruolo delle zone umide per la conservazione delle diverse specie e saranno presentati i risultati delle indagini effettuate sulla colonia di Myotis capaccinii, Myotis daubentonii, Myotis blythii e Myotis myotis dell'Isola Bella.
Il seminario è rivolto primariamente al personale che si occupa di gestione ambientale e di divulgazione naturalistica. Più in generale, l'iniziativa è aperta a tutti coloro che, a vario titolo, sono interessati alla conservazione e alla conoscenza della chirotterofauna.

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05 sett. 2017 - Piero Bruni

20170905 Seminario Bruni

Volontariato e protezione ambientale: l'Associazione Lago di Bolsena

Presenta: Piero Bruni

Associazione Lago di Bolsena

Le associazioni di volontariato per la tutela del lago di Bolsena sono nate nel 1968 quando la società elettrica nazionale ENEL iniziò i lavori per trasformare il lago in una riserva di acqua per uso idroelettrico. Il seminario ripercorre le tappe fondamentali dei problemi affrontati dall'Associazione Lago di Bolsena volontariato, della quale il relatore è stato a lungo presidente, e dei contatti intercorsi con autorità locali, nazionali e Unione Europea, a difesa e protezione di un patrimonio naturalistico e di una risorsa economica unica, quali sono il Lago di Bolsena ed il suo bacino imbrifero.

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04 lug. 2017 - Paola Bonfante

20170704 Seminario Bonfante

Crossing the kingdoms: Plants, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Endobacteria

Presenta: Paola Bonfante

Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Università di Torino

The seminar will summarize our current knowledge on the endobacteria living inside the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, Glomeromycotina), using them as a paradigm to better understand the diversity and origin of fungal endobacteria as well as the interkingdom interaction they originate. To detect the reasons why many fungal strains have maintained their bacterial guests for hundreds of million years, we have developed a stable endosymbiont-free strain of Gigaspora margarita (B − ), which has been cured of its Candidatus Glomeribacter gigasporarum. We have applied multiple morphological and 'omics' approaches to directly compare the B − line with the wild-type strain hosting the endobacterium (B+). The coupling of transcriptomics and proteomics with physiological and cell biological approaches demonstrated that the Gigaspora endobacterium raises the bioenergetic capacity of the fungus, increasing its ATP production and respiration, and eliciting mechanisms to detoxify reactive oxygen species. We hypothesize that such changes may provide a better ecological fitness to the mycorrhizal fungus.

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27 giu. 2017 - Ying Yang

20170627 Seminario Yang

Identification and characterization of sources of airborne antibiotic resistance genes in the urban environment using metagenomic approach

Presenta: Ying Yang

School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

Wide spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has attracted increasing concern in recent years. However, the occurrence and diversity of ARGs in airborne particles remained to be understood. In this study, total suspended particles (TSPs) in the atmosphere from animal feedlots, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), suburban and downtown area in Zhuhai (China) were analyzed for ARG profiles using metagenomic approaches. ARGs were abundant and diverse in TSP samples from animal feedlots and the WWTP. ARG profiles in the TSPs of feedlots were consistent with those in animal feces. Abundance and diversity of ARGs in downtown area was relatively lower compared with other TSPs samples with multidrug resistance genes as the most abundant ARG type. This study suggested that comprehensive profiles of ARGs could be helpful to displays a novel perspective on ARGs profiles in TSPs via metagenomic approach. Comprehensive analysis of the ARGs in airborne TSP could improve our understanding of ARGs dissemination pathways in the environment and their potential health threats.

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