Linking subannual layer deposition with Limnology and Weather conditions – Lake Tiefer (NE Germany)
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
As a virtual Institute of the Helmholtz Association, the ICLEA project (Integrated Climate and Landscape Evolution Analysis), seeks to integrate time scales for a comprehensive view of landscape changes and driving processes in the past for a better anticipation of future changes. Along the time axis, the study combines past proxydata in sub-annual resolution from trees and lakes with documentary and remote sensing data and with geosystem monitoring of hydrology, soil, trees, and lakes. In the study area, the NE-German – Polish Lowlands, lakes are a major element of the terrestrial environment. Monitoring of the deep, temporally meromictic, lake Tiefer, (90 km NNW from Berlin), started in March 2012. Weather and lake conditions during spring and summer 2012 -2014 differed strongly. At the same time, the potential lake proxies sampled in sediment traps (below epi- and metalimnion 30 d increment, and at the lake bottom 15 d increment) showed considerable differences in their characteristics. Characteristics are trapping rates of organic and inorganic matter and CaCO3, stable isotope ratios of organic matter (C, N) and CaCO3 (C, O), and plankton assemblage composition (e.g. diatoms). This dataset suggests relations between lake and weather conditions and the proxy characteristics. The relations were tested using instrumental, documented, and modelled past conditions and sediment data from the youngest, sub-annually laminated (varved) record. First results will be presented.
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