23 Giu. 2016 - Mariani, Lugliè e Padedda

20160623 Seminario UNISS

Considerations on the effects of trophic status on microcystin production and the dominance of cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton assemblage of Mediterranean reservoirs (Sardinia, Italy)

Presentano: Maria Antonietta Mariani, Antonella Lugliè, Bachisio Mario Padedda

Università degli Studi di Sassari - dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica

Results of a research on the relationship between Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins and environmental conditions in Sardinia will be presented. Evidence for increasing levels of eutrophication and abundance of cyanobacteria suggest that climate climate change may have a strong impact, especially in the southern Mediterranean Region, Monthly samples were collected in four reservoirs (Bidighinzu, Pattada, Sos Canales and Torrei), characterized by different trophic status, from June 2010 to December 2011. Analysis of similarity indicated that cyanobacteria abundance and species composition differed significantly among the reservoirs. Redundancy analysis highlighted relationship between cyanobacteria abundance and trophy, and with hydrological and seasonal patterns. Spearman's analysis highlighted significant correlations among the most important species (Planktothrix agardhii–rubescens group, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Dolichospermum planctonicum), algal nutrients and microcystins concentration. Species composition during periods of maximum microcystin concentrations differed from those typical of Mediterranean sites. New potential microcystin producers were also identified (Aphanizomenon klebahnii, Dolichospermum macrosporum and Dolichospermum viguieri), highlighting a high diversity of cyanobacteria in the Mediterranean area and a need for detailed, long-term, research at a local scale.

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21 Giu. 2016 - Tereza Petrusková

20160621 Seminario Petruskova

What can we learn from the bird song?

Presenta: Tereza Petrusková

Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

Birdsong has attracted people for ages. It has inspired numerous artists (especially in music) and music sheets together with verbal descriptions were also at the beginning of its research. Two main functions of the bird song, mate attraction and territory defence, were discovered and proven many years ago. However, fast development of technical equipment and availability of bioacoustic software allow us to discover much more subtle details about bird songs. Song variation among bird taxa is enormous and therefore it is difficult to discover any general rules that would fit most species. However, there are some more widespread phenomena, studying of which are particularly promising. The aim of this talk is to present at least some of them, in which Dr Petruskovà is involved. For example, she will show how the birdsong can encode quality of the singer, how birds can assess aggressive motivation of an opponent by listening his singing or how and why passerines are able of individual recognition. At the end of the talk, Dr Petruskovà will focus at the potential use of the bird song in conservation biology and behavioral studies.

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14 Giu. 2016 - Jessica Maffei

20160614 Seminario Maffei

Allieva, docente, direttrice: la carriera di Rina Monti Stella nelle carte dell'Università di Pavia

Presenta: Jessica Maffei

Museo di Storia Naturale, Università degli Studi di Pavia

Rina Monti a Pavia studiò, si laureò e intraprese la carriera universitaria fino a diventare docente, in una realtà spiccatamente maschile. Ricoprì, inoltre, per dieci anni il ruolo di direttrice dell'Istituto di Zoologia dell'Università e del Museo di Storia Naturale. Correva il decennio 1915-1924, quello segnato dalla tragedia della prima Guerra Mondiale e del dopoguerra, in cui la nostra limnologa incontrò nella sua veste dirigenziale non poche difficoltà dovute alla scarsità di mezzi e alle ridotte disponibilità economiche. Nel 2012 abbiamo salvato dal macero 800 carte – oggi custodite presso il Museo di Storia Naturale – che furono prodotte in quel tempo, durante l'amministrazione Monti dell'Istituto di Zoologia. I documenti, inediti, fotografano la vita dell'ente dal punto di vista gestionale e amministrativo, con cospicui riferimenti alle attività scientifiche condotte dalla direttrice e dai suoi collaboratori oltre alle spiccate capacità manageriali.

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19 Mag. 2016 - Riccardo Tascone

20160519 Seminario Tascone

SeCa: un sistema organizzativo di Istituto Senza Carta

Presenta: Riccardo Tascone

Direttore CNR Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni

Il progetto SeCa si propone un nuovo modo di recepire e utilizzare l'iter procedurale, dando forma ad una visione moderna della relazione che si instaura tra i diversi attori e stabilendo un'interazione più immediata e in grado di annullare la distanza fisica e ridurre quella temporale. I punti cardine su cui è stato sviluppato l'impianto del progetto sono, attraverso la "dematerializzazione documentale", la definizione di una Scrivania Virtuale Condivisa, l'uso della firma digitale estesa a tutti e la protocollazione informatica svincolata dalla stazione di protocollazione, in linea con i temi portanti del Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale e obiettivi dell'Agenda Digitale Italiana.

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13 Mag. 2016 - Rosalie Bruel

20160513 Seminario Bruel

Lakes vulnerability to climate change modulated by human local forcings: ongoing studies and future collaboration with ISE

Presenta: Rosalie Bruel

INRA, University of Savoie, UMR 0042 CARRTEL, Thonon-les-Bains, France

Despite the good regional coherence of lakes physical responses to climate change (e.g. warming of surface water), biological responses are highly variable at the regional scale. In other words, it is really difficult to predict what are going to be the consequences of climate change on lakes ecological communities. Our work aims at testing the hypothesis that local human activities modulate lake biological responses to climate warming. Our approach so far includes the reconstruction of long-term (1500 years) changes in Lake Geneva cladoceran communities (subfossil remains) to compare lacustrine ecological responses to atmospheric warming under both low (Medieval Warm Period; 950-1250) and strong local human pressures (post-eutrophication phase; since 1990's). We then want to attempt a meta-analysis including ~10 lakes in order to test whether or not there is a pattern of lake trajectory at the pan-alpine scale, and if there is one, to which parameter(s) it is linked. As a first step, we reconstructed the ecological trajectory of Lake Varese (150 years), and found that the system experienced two major and abrupt ecological transitions over the last century.

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