Staff [Food Webs]

Structure and functioning of lacustrine food webs
Name TopicPosition
Marina Manca   Zooplankton Permanent researcher
Giuseppe Morabito   Phytoplankton Permanent researcher
Martina Austoni   Phytoplankton Temporary researcher
Angela Boggero   Macroinvertebrates and invasive species Temporary researcher
Pietro Volta   Fish fauna Temporary researcher
Igor Cerutti   Fish fauna Permanent technician
Rosaria Lauceri   Chemistry, algal toxins, freshwater mussels Permanent researcher
Nicoletta Riccardi   Zooplankton and freshwater mussels Permanent researcher
Roberta Piscia   Zooplankton Permanent technician
Anna Visconti   Zooplankton PhD student
Silvia Zaupa   Benthos of lakes PhD student
Diego Fontaneto     Permanent researcher
Paolo Sala   Fish fauna Post graduate fellow

Riccardo de Bernardi Zooplankton associated researcher

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Irene Guarneri Benthos of rivers external PhD student
Amedeo Fadda Zooplankton external researcher
Oscar Ravera Freshwater molluscs associated researcher
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