Rogora Michela
Permanent researcher
- Viale Tonolli 50
I-28922 Verbania Pallanza (VB)
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- +39 0323 518331 (Telephone)
- +39 0323 556513 (Fax)
Altre informazioni
Research interests:
- Long-term changes in water chemistry in relation to anthropogenic pressures (eutrophication, atmospheric deposition of pollutants, climate change).
- Atmospheric input of sulphur and nitrogen compounds to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
- Acidification and nitrogen enrichment of surface waters. Dynamic modelling of acidification processes.
- Trace metals in atmospheric deposition and surface waters.
- Effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, with particular attention towards remote lakes.
- Lake eutrophication and restoration measures.
Main research projects:
ICP Waters (UN-ECE Programme): International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes
SHARE: Stations at High Altitude for Research on Environment- project. WP1.3 Water Resources
FUTMON - LIFE+ co-financed project for the "Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System" (2008-2011)
EUROLIMPACS (EU FP6 project): European project to evaluate impacts of global change on freshwater ecosystems (2004-2009)
EMERGE (EU FP5 project): European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regionalisation, diaGnostics & socio-economic Evaluation (2000-2003)
RECOVER:2010 (EU FP5 Project): Predicting recovery in acidified freshwater by the year 2010, and beyond (EVK1-CT-1999-00018) (2000-2003)
Editorial activity:
Associate Editor of Journal of Limnology.
Google Scholar:
ISI Web of Science: researcher ID B-9237-2008