Riccardi Nicoletta
Permanent researcher

- Viale Tonolli 50
28922 Verbania (VB)
Informazioni sul contatto
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- +39 0323 518336 (Telephone)
- +39 0323 556513 (Fax)
- http://www.ise.cnr.it/people/researcher/riccardi
Altre informazioni
Area of specialization:
- Ecological interactions
- Zooplankton and freshwater mussels ecology
- Invasion dynamics and impact of alien species
- Bioaccumulation
Present research interests:
- Biodiversity and conservation of freshwater mussels
- Trophic niche space and functional role of native and alien freshwater bivalves
- Potential environmental applications of MALDI TOF MS: identification of species/populations; detection of (algal) toxins in mussel tissues
- Taxonomical and functional (biomass size spectra) approaches to trace long term zooplankton dynamics
On going research projects:
- SISTO (SIstema di Sorveglianza TOssine algali) Using sentinel organisms (bivalves) to develop an early warning system for detecting harmful algae blooms (HABs). Fondazione Cariplo: 2010-2013 (Project coordinator)
- Aliens in Lake Maggiore. Rotary Project “One Lake, Three Districts, only One Rotary”: 2012-2013 (Project coordinator)