Morabito Giuseppe
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Main research topics:
Relationships between structure and function in phytoplankton, use of algal species as trophic indicators, development of phytoplanktonic ecological quality indices, space-time dynamics of phytoplankton succession, analysis of long-term series in connection with trophic evolution and climatic changes, algal ecophysiology.
Recent Projects
- 2010 – 2013 – LIFE+ INHABIT - Local hydro-morphology, habitat and RBMPs: new measures to improve ecological quality in South European rivers and lakes.
- 2009-2012 – EU FP-7: WISER – Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological Status and Recovery
- 2004-2009 – EU FP-6: Evaluating the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems (Euro-limpacs)
- 2006-2007 – Piedmont Region, CIPE: Problems and perspective for the use of lacustrine biocoenosis as indicators of ecological quality according to the EC Directive 2000/60/CE.
- 2005-2006 – Valle d’Aosta Region, Interreg III A: Cogeva VAHSA - Coopération, gestion, valorisation des éspaces protégés, Vallée d’Aoste, Haute Savoie.
- 2005 – 2006 – Natural Park of Lake Candia: Protection and Conservation of the Natural Park of Lake Candia.
- 2001 – 2002 – Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Italy/Quebec: Influence of aquatic submerged vegetation on littoral communities of lakes and rivers: comparative studies on Lake Candia and Saint Laurence River.
- 2000 – 2003 – EU FP-5; European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regionalisation, diaGnostic & socio-economic Evaluation (EMERGE)
- 1999 – 2002 - EU LIFE Nature Project: "Intervention for the restoration of the Lake Alserio"
Scientific Societies
Tresurer of the Italian Association of Oceanology and Limnology (A.I.O.L.).
Italian Member of the Committee of the European Federation of Freshwater Sciences.
Editorial Board
Assistant Editor for Journal of Limnology.
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