26 ott. 2017 - Silvana Halac

20171026 Seminario Halac

Various study approaches of microbiological proliferation and their relationship with environmental factors at San Roque reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina)

Presenta: Silvana Halac

Instituto Nacional del Agua, Centro de la Región Semiárida, INA-CIRSA.
Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, CICTERRA,
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET, Argentina

San Roque reservoir (SRr; Córdoba, Argentina) is the main source of drinking water to Cordoba city. It presents an advanced eutrophic state with records of recurrent cyanobacteria blooms (e.g. Microcystis aerouginosa, Dolichospermum sp.) and presence of cyanotoxins (e.g.; microcystins –MCs and anatoxins), as well as occurrence of pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. --STC).
Because a monthly uninterrupted monitoring was carried out since 1999, a wide base data was achieved. Many questions raised from the observed patterns, e.g.: a.-Which are the main factors triggering the cyanobacterial blooms and regulating cyanotoxins (mainly MCs) production in ESR? b.-Are cyanobacterial blooms promoting pathogenic bacteria proliferation? c.- Is neighboring human population being health affected by chronic MCs exposure?
In order to asses these events, different types of studies were carried out, among which are: a.- Microcosms experiments carried out with natural cyanobacterial populations isolated from SRr and with different addition Fe treatments b.-Interaction experiments between cyanobacteria cultures and pathogenic bacteria strains isolated from ESr. c.- Assessment of chronic exposure to MCs in a SRr neighboring population through out blood and immunological analysis, surveys and water quality determinations.
Moreover, SRr paleolimnological studies started to be done recently, with the aim of studying the eutrophication process in a broader range of time.

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