21 Sett. 2016 - Tomasz Kaluski
The impact of phenotypic plasticity on invasiveness. Behavior of Arion vulgaris as a case study
Presenta: Tomasz Kałuski
Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute
For last decades intensity of world trade and movement of consignments across the globe can be observed. It causes higher risk of introduction and spreading alien species that can't spread in natural way. To protect countries and regions the pest risk assessment is prepared. In this procedure three key factors have to be taken into account: possibility of entry, establishment and impact on environment. Usually there is not enough biological data to properly assess these possibilities. One of methods is modelling all three aspects. Now, we are able to model spread of alien species, but we can't model impact on environment.
In presented case study on Arion vulgaris (Spanish slug), which is a serious pest of crops and one of the most invasive species in Europe, we study the phenotypic plasticity manifested as changes in the behavior in different temperatures. Phenotypic plasticity can impact on invasive facilitates spread to new habitats. If we link the behavior, phenotypic plasticity, invasiveness and impact with fast laboratory test we will be able to answer the question if the species can impact on environment in new habitat.
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