16 Feb. 2016 - Grazia Masciandaro

20160216 Seminario Masciandaro

Scientific and practical implications in the management of degraded environmental matrices: soils and sediments

Presenta: Grazia Masciandaro

CNR ISE, sede di Pisa

The scientific research at laboratory level represents a fundamental step in order to understand the processes involved in the rehabilitation and decontamination of degraded environmental matrices. The knowledge of processes and set up of the techniques at micro- and meso-scale levels, ensures the success of them at real scale. Soil degradation, soil contamination and sediment management, represent some considerable environmental problems recognized at European level.
In the last ten years, these topics have been addressed in both National and International projects. As examples, the BIOREM and CLEANSED projects have the objective of preserving and improving soil quality and recovering contaminated soils and sediments. BIOREM project provides an integrated system aimed at evaluating the rehabilitation of degraded soils by combining the application of exogenous organic matter and the re-vegetation with appropriate shrub and tree species. On the other hand, CLEANSED is an innovative project aimed at reusing decontaminated sediments in the nursery activity. It is also tested for the first time the possibility of reusing dredged sediments in the environmental field, as filling material for road building. The strategies described above for the restoration of degraded environmental matrices are driven by the biological processes which involve the living component of soil, microorganisms and their diversity and functionality.

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