12 giu. 2018 - Marcela Bastidas Navarro
Bacterial communities in mountain lakes from North-Patagonian Andes: from diversity to function
Presenta: Marcela Bastidas Navarro
Laboratory of Limnology- INIBIOMA (CONICET- National University of Comahue) Bariloche – Río Negro- Argentina
Mountain lakes are remote systems whose localization determines extreme environmental conditions. Likewise, the presence of vegetation in the drainage area may constitute an important input of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of terrestrial origin. Thus, the localization of lakes with respect to the timberline may determine the development of the planktonic communities. Both the variation in the concentration and quality of DOC (importance of terrestrial input), can strongly influence activity, physiology, and diversity of bacterioplankton community. In North-Patagonian Andes (~41°S), the timberline (~1650 m a.s.l) is a deciduous forest of Nothofagus pumilio, and an important number of lakes are located both above and below this line. Thus, these lakes are located in a gradient of altitude, presenting a variable range of DOC concentration, and different contributions of terrestrial material, therefore they are propitious scenarios for the study of bacterial communities. In her talk, Marcela will show evidence of how quantity and quality of DOC can shape both community structure (taxonomic composition and physiological condition) and metabolic response (respiration rate and C-consumption).
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