Saidi Helmi
Research Grant

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Dr. Helmi Saidi is Tunisian. He holds an engineering degree in hydraulics at the National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia (INAT-Tunisia), a Master degree in hydraulics science (INAT-Tunisia), Euro-Master in New Technologies of Information and Communication (Sitcom-France telecom) and a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Sassari (Italy). Since 2000 he has developed experience in the field of hydrology and water resources planning and management with particular attention on statistic hydrology, meteorology and GIS analyses. Since 2009 he has been working at CNR-ISE as Research Fellow in an INTERREG project named STRADA :“Climate change adaptation strategies for the management of natural risks in the border region“.
Professional Experience:
- Research fellow, CNR-ISE National Research Council - Institute of Ecosystem Study, Verbania, Italy, 2009-present.
- Research fellow, Desertification Research Centre, Sassari, Italy, 2005-2009.
- Engineer, National Center for Agricultural Studies, Tunis, Tunisia, 2004-2005.
- Work placement for Master, Institution of research and higher agricultural education, Tunis, Tunisia, 2003-2004.
- Ph.D. Natural Resource Sciences, Sassari University, Italy, 2009-2013.
- Euro-Master New Technologies of Information and Communication, Sitcom, Tunisia, 2002-2004.
- Postgraduate Hydraulics science, National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia, 2002-2004.
- M. Sc. Water and Forestry Sciences, National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia, 1997-2000
- B. Sc. Engineering Sciences, Preparatory Institute for Engineering Sciences, Tunisia, 1995-1997.
Research Experience:
- STRADA Project :“Climate change adaptation strategies for the management of natural risks in the border region “. Cross-border and interregional co-operation program INTERREG 2007-2013 Italy-Switzerland. In the context of the present and foreseen climate change, and the consequent expected variations in meteorological and hydrological variables and cycles, the STRADA project developed adaptation strategies in the Italy-Switzerland transboundary territory, with the aim of planning a more appropriate and sustainable management of the territory, with a wide-spectrum focus on the transboundary hydrosphere. I have been involved in studying the climatic characteristic of extreme precipitations for short-term intervals in the Piedmont region, 2010.
- Analysis of climate change in relation with water resources use 2009-2011. “Analisi idromorfologica di alcuni corsi d'acqua della provincia del VCO in rapporto all'utilizzo umano della risorsa idrica”. My main contribution to the project was to apply the CARAVAGGIO –“Core Assessment of River hAbitat VAlue and hydro-morpholoGIcal cOndition”- method, 2009.
- SMAP III. “Plan of Action for an Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the area of Port Said (Egypt). My main contribution to this project was to assist the project manager with every activities and tasks, 2007
- SMAP II. “Demonstration Project on Strategies to Combat Desertification in Arid Lands with Direct Involvement of Local Agropastoral Communities in North Africa», Project funded under the Short and Medium-term Priority Environmental European Action Programme (SMAP). My main contribution to this project was to integrate the use of the Geographic Informatics Systems (GIS) and remote sensing for the sustainable management of the territory, the monitoring and the prevention of desertification, 2005.
Research Interests:
- Statistic hydrology and analysis of hydrological data
- Meteorology and water resources management
- Hydro-meteorological modeling
- Ph. D. from Sassari University-Italy in 2013 with a dissertation entitled “Extreme Storm Precipitations Events in a Changing Climate: How to Define and Analyse (Case of the Lake Maggiore Watershed)”. In this study, the historical extreme rainfall series with high-resolution (5min-24h) collected at different gauges located in the watershed of Lake Maggiore, have been computed to perform regional frequency analysis of annual maxima precipitation based on the L-moments approach, and to produce growth curves for different return-period.
Citations: Google Scholar