Mosello Rosario
Associated researcher

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28922 Verbania (VB)
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- +39 0323 518331 (Telephone)
- +39 0323 556513 (Fax)
Other information
Keywords: freshwater ecology, water pollution and recovery, environmental chemistry
- Ecology of river and lake ecosystems, with particular attention to the effects of physical and chemical factors on trophic structures and use of water;
- water pollution resulting from human activities (eutrophication, acidification, metals and organic micro-pollutants);
- techniques of recovery of aquatic ecosystems from pollution;
- medium and long-distance transport of air pollutants and effects of deposition on aquatic ecosystems;
- climate change and potential effects on lake environments with different anthropogenic impact, with particular reference to deep subalpine lakes, alpine lakes and remote areas;
- analytical chemistry applied to the study of water and collaborative activities (intercomparisons, development and evaluation of analytical methods, etc.);
- historical evolution of ecology studies and practices of environmental recovery
Activities and career:
- Since 1 May 1976 Researcher at the Italian Institute of Hydrobiology, from 1989 First Researcher CNR, from 2002 Research Director CNR.
- From 1 January 2006 to 30 April 2013 director at the CNR Institute of Ecosystem Study.
- Since May 1st 2013 retired, continuing part of the activity as Associated researcher in the same Institute.
- Active in research in the water chemistry field of the CNR ISE.
- Coordinates the reorganization of the historical archive of the Institute.
Other interests and activities:
Study of sundials (gnomonic), old mechanical clock and instruments of astronomical, related to their historical contests. Participation in national and international associations in this regard
Google Scholar
He is author of over 350 scientific publications, of which one third in journals with IF.