Dresti Claudia
Permanent researcher

- Viale Tonolli 50
28922 Verbania (VB)
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- +39 0323 518363 (Telephone)
- +39 0323 556513 (Fax)
- http://www.ise.cnr.it/people/researcher/dresti
Other information
Claudia Dresti graduated from Politecnico di Milano in Enviromental Engineering in 2008. Since 2009, she has been working as a Fellow Researcher at National Research Council – Institute of Ecosystem Study and her research field is climate change and management of water resource, in particular the evaluation of Optimal Ecological Flow in mountain rivers.
Moreover, she is interested in river hydraulics and hydromorphology, applying specific methods, such as CARAVAGGIO (Core Assessment of River hAbitat Value and hydro-morpholoGIcal cOndition).
Since 2012, she has been a Phd student in Enviromental and Infrastructure Engineering in Politecnico di Milano.