Ciampittiello Marzia
Permanent researcher

- Viale Tonolli 50
28922 Verbania (VB)
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- +39 0323 518363 (Telephone)
- +39 0323 556513 (Fax)
Other information
Broad research specialism:
- Hydrology and hydrogeological balance with develop model or software ad hoc and making use of Ground Water Vistas
- Hydraulics and Hydromorphology on rivers and lakes using software HEC-RAS and applying specific method as CARAVAGGIO (for rivers) and Lake Habitat Survey (for lakes)
- Meteorological and climatic aspects
- QGIS and R software
Research interests:
- Climate change and management of water resource
- Fluvial and lacustrine hydraulics and hydromorphological assessment
- Sustainable management of alternative energy sources
- Civil protection
- Environment and health
Main research project and activity:
- Hydrological analyses and climate change related with human uses of water resource and definition of the Optimum Flow Discharge - Agreement with Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province (2009-2011 and 2011-2013).
- CEN TC 230/WG 2/TG 5 Water quality – Guidance standard on determining the degree of modification of lake hydromorphology (2010 ongoing).
- CEN TC 230/WG 2/TG 5 Water quality — Developing standard method for assessing lake hydromorphology (2008 -2010).
- INTERREG STRADA - Strategy of adaptation to climate change for the management of natural risks - Co-operation Program between Italy and Swiss 2007-2013 - (WebSite)
- LIFE + INHABIT – “Local hydro-morphology, habitat and RBMPs: new measures to improve ecological quality in South European rivers and lakes” (2010-2013) - (WebSite)
- National representative of hydromorphological aspect of lakes for the application of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 in Italy – Italian Ministry of the Environment (2007 ongoing).
- EUROLIMPACS (EU FP6 project): European project to evaluate impacts of global change on freshwater ecosystems (2004-2009) - (WebSite)
- CIPAIS – Research on limnological aspects of Lake Maggiore – Hydrological and Meteorological features (2001 ongoing) - (WebSite)