24 Ago. 2015 - Piero Guilizzoni


13th International Paleolimnology Symposium (IPS2015)
Lanzhou, China, August 4-7, 2015
2015 IPA Lifetime Achievement medal
A sketch of Piero Guilizzoni’s scientific career – Lanzhou, China

Presenta: Piero Guilizzoni
CNR - Institute of Ecosystem Study, Verbania

I would like to express a big thank you to the International Paleolimnology Association for awarding me the 2015 IPA Lifetime Achievement medal: a truly unexpected, and, of course, greatly appreciated acknowledgement.
I have selected a few examples in my attempt to present you some key points that underline what has been accomplished in my more than 40 years of research. In particular, it is my pleasure to mention some colleagues that, among many others, made me grow professionally with their help, competence, encouragement and also friendship.
A sequence of slides as in an album where smiles alternate with sighs and surprises to the moments of success and satisfaction.

click to download notice of seminar