22 Giu. 2015 - Norman Yan
Advice for young limnologists in an increasing complicated,
multi‐stressor world
Presenta: Norman Yan
Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Young aquatic scientists are entering our field at an increasingly complicated time in Canada, one that is challenged by multiple anthropogenic stressors and also by flagging support from the federal government. Having just retired from 40 years of government and academic research, Norman Yan will reflect on his career providing advice to young researchers. He will suggest that young ecologists should: i) adopt an environmental protection and management model to steer their research, ii) treat targets indicating ecological health as transitory, iii) embrace multidisciplinarity in their work, iv) re‐invent some sub‐disciplines that are failing to serve real needs, v) assume that physics, chemistry and ecology all matter, and must be included in their work, vi) communicate with the public, as an informed public is the best defense for our work, vii) track both damage and susceptibility to it, viii) pounce on unexplored opportunities, ix) choose to be hopeful, and x) foster non‐authoritarian governance.
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