The activities of ISE for the adoption and the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
ISE is the contact Institute for the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea (MATTM) of Italy for the activities linked to the adoption and the implementation of the WFD relative to lakes. In particular, the following ISE researchers are involved:
Aldo Marchetto, Italian representative for lakes
Giuseppe Morabito, Italian representative for phytoplankton
Alessandro Oggioni, Italian representative for aquatic macrophytes (currently at CNR-IREA)
Angela Boggero, Italian representative for macroinvertebrates
Pietro Volta, Italian representative for fish
Marzia Ciampittiello, Italian representative for hydromorphology
Our activities, carried out in close contact with MATTM, ISPRA Ambiente, and the National network of the Environmental Agencies (ARPA) and some Universities include:
1) the writing of sampling protocols;
2) the definition of quality indices;
3) the participation in the IC exercises at EC level;
4) the validation of sampling protocols and quality indices
Methods for the evaluation of the ecological status of lakes: |
Phytoplankton | Download | |
Macrophytes | Download | |
Diatoms | Download | |
Macroinvertebrates | Download | |
Fish fauna | Download |